Five for Friday

Hey Everyone,
I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for some Five for Friday Fun!

1. Back to School Door

I love, love, love to decorate my door! For the first day of school I decided to welcome the kiddies to second grade! It's a big deal to be a second grader and I wanted them to feel proud and great!

Of course, autographing the 2 was a must! The right of passage from first to second!

2. Meet the Teacher Night

We decided to meet parents during the first week of school so that they could know what was going on right from the start! I gave each family a folder with information about our classroom routines, the curriculum and various passwords and important tid-bits they would need throughout the course of the year. 

Click HERE for a post about Meet the Teacher night and a freebie for you too!!!

3. Giddy-Up

This week we began a Cowboy theme which will bring us right into the last few days of September. We will celebrate the first month of school with Cowboy day and have us a little party!

I love, love, love everything about these packs! We are going to have SO MUCH FUN!


Click on the pictures to check out these packs! And stay tuned for some fun posts about how we're doing down on the ranch! 

 4. School Mural

Every year our principal asks each class to complete a part of a school wide mural. This year we decided on student portraits. My little artists did such a great job!

I can't wait to see all the portraits up on the wall in the school entryway. 

5. Healthy Teacher

I have shared with you on numerous occasions the fact that I love to work out and eat clean. I often complete the Whole30 and try to eat Paleo as much as possible. 

With that being said, I'm also a huge foodie and love me some treats!
There was NO guilt in eating this meal. In fact, despite eating my weight in Naan I still look and weigh the same. 

It's all about balance and moderation. Can't wait for my next treat! I'm thinking something decadent and chocolaty!

Thanks for stopping by and be sure to link up with Doodle Bugs Teaching!

Until next time...

1 comment

  1. I love the door decorations! Such a great idea to have them autograph it.

    Live, Laugh, Love Second


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