Let's Sing it like We're Superheroes!

So first day back after Spring Break and I got myself one compliment and one insult!!!

One of the firsties from the classroom next door came over to me after recess and said, "Nice jacket Ms. Nicole." I'm wearing my new Spring leather and couldn't be happier about it! So, I answer the little firstie, "Thanks, you like it?" To which she then replies, "Yes, I didn't like your other one though." 
I nearly fell over laughing! This was just too cute!

I really love working with kids. They really do say the "darndest" things sometimes! 
I also love the fact that we can sing songs and act silly! 

I spent some time looking for Superhero songs for my new unit, as I like to incorporate singing and dancing in language arts. Come on, surely I'm not the only one!

I was really only able to find one that was suitable.
  Please leave me a comment, if you can tell me where I can find some more, as we really do like to sing during our morning routine!

So I found a great song by Richard Graham and also found a website that plays a video of the song. You can show it to your kiddies on the SmartBoard and it will also give you the opportunity 
to learn the tune to for the song! 

Find the video right HERE!

I decided to make a Superhero themed song sheet for the kiddies to place in their folder. Here it is...

You can grab yourself a copy right over HERE!

If you do know where I can find more songs like this one for my unit, please leave me a comment! I would greatly appreciate it! Of course, you can also comment if you don't have any song info! 

Looking forward to reaching 100 followers... Will plan something special to celebrate it!

Until next time...
Ms. Nicole xo


  1. Maybe cartoon heroes by aqua could be cute

    1. Oh my I haven't head that in years! Thanks I will definitely check it out!

  2. Hi! Our whole school did a 2 week long superhero theme back in October. My class of second graders sang a song called Amazing Superheroes at the assembly. The song is from the British Council kids site. Here is the link: http://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en/songs/amazing-superheroes. Hope that helps!


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