It's a New Year... Time to Revamp and Update Some Materials

Hello Again my Sweet Friends, 
Well with two days left before the holiday vacation is officially over, I am in full teacher mode! I have put my mixer and icing tools away and have broken out the lap top, calendar, and class schedule!
As I do so, I have also been looking through some of my older units. I am quite surprised to see a significant change in the look of my work from a year ago to the present. Thus, I am slowly revamping some of my older items! 

First up is my Sweet for Contractions Unit!
Check out the new look! I love it! Always helps when you're a huge cupcake fan! HeHe

Included in the 57 page package are:

- 8 contraction rule signs (colorful and informative)

- a complete list of 64 words and associated contractions (can be given to the students as a reference)

- memory game (match the top of the cupcake/contraction with the bottom/words) includes recording sheet

- build a sentence game (choose cupcake card and write a sentence using the contraction on the card) includes recording sheet

- match the word with contraction game (match the cupcakes that have corresponding contractions and words) includes recording sheet

- build a contraction game (match the top of the cupcake with the bottom to create a contraction) includes recording sheet
- 3 contraction worksheets (great for homework review)

If you have already purchased this unit, please feel free to download it again and receive the latest version. If you have not purchased this product and are interested in it please click HERE!

Stay tuned for more updates (it may be a while before it all gets done of course) AND new ideas and resources. 


  1. New to your blog. Your contraction unit looks great!!

    1. Thank you!
      I updated it! Who knew things would need to be changed after only one year!
      I wanted to add my newer graphics!

      Nicole :)


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