February Fun!

Hello Everyone,
Next week in second grade we are going to be starting some February Fun!

We will begin our week by talking about Groundhog Day! I love this activity because it brings me some hope! I live in Canada and our winters are brutal! I'd do anything to live in a place that has hot weather year round!

This unit is so much fun! It comes with a read aloud, writing stationary, craft templates, reading comprehension activities, and so much more!


This year I also plan on using SimplyKinder's Very Best Groundhog Day Videos for Kids! 
The kiddies love learning about new things and these videos will be a hit! Thanks Simply Kinder!

Valentine's Day and 100th Day fall on the same day for us this year so we are going to be very busy that week!

Last year we created some Cupid Profiles which were so much fun!

This year I'm going to go back to my trusty Love'Bot Read Aloud and Craftivity!

We will also be listening to some great Valentine's Day songs by the Kiboomers!

For 100th Day my 100 Year Old Profiles are always a hit!


Here are some other great activities people have been sharing! I think I just might have to try these!
Click on the pictures to check out these great activities!


For Black History I always like to read the Book: Teammates by Peter Golenbock.

I love this story and the lessons it teaches us. It's also a great way for the littles to learn about Black History and friendship in a more meaningful way. They can relate to the story because most of them love to play games and sports. Then we write about peace, love, kindness, and togetherness. 


It's always a great lesson. The discussions are meaningful and the teamwork and friendship is special.

What are your plans for February?

Until next time...

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