What's your New Year Wish?

Hello Friends,
I'd to start off by wishing you all a very Happy New Year! Lots of love, health, and HAPPINESS to you and your loved ones this year! It's so important to go back to school and start the year off right so I'm sharing some of my favorite New Year activities with you!

As you can see from the above picture, I have been completing this craft since 2013. 
The students love it because it is a fairly simple writing activity. It's a fun and easy way to get back into the flow of school after our holiday break. 

I love to see what wishes the kiddies choose. I ask them to share three personal wishes, three family and friend wishes, and three wishes for the world. Their choices are always inspiring and motivating.

 After we brainstorm ideas and the students write down their wishes. We share them as a class. The students are eager to talk to each other on the first day so this is a great activity to encourage valuable conversations. 

Once they've discussed, we return to our seats and write the wishes on the stars. 

Finally, we make the craft. I always print a variety of colors for hats and gloves and clothing. I let students choose the ones they want. I also allow them to add personal touches. 

I prefer that students have projects that are unique to themselves rather than have all the same crafts hanging on the wall. It is a personal preference and doesn't always work out, but with this project it does so I encourage individuality :)

There are a few other activities included for your early finishers!

So there you have it! My first day back is almost planned! I'll throw in a little math review and most importantly start off my day with this fun writing prompt. 

The students will walk into class find this video prompt playing. It should encourage them to think about celebrating the new year and setting some goals for themselves. It'll also be a great introduction to the Wish lesson we will complete later on in the day. 

Click HERE to check out my WISH Craftivity.
Click HERE to check out my Writing Prompt Freebie.

What is your New Year WISH?

Until next time...

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