Sale! Saldi!

Bongiorno Blogging Friends, As mentioned in a previous post, I am spending some time in beautiful Europe! As I sit in my hotel room in Rome, waiting for my travel buddy to get ready for our free continental breakfast (hehe!), I have decided to do some blog stalking (I'm having withdrawal, thank goodness for Wifi!) and have noticed that TpT is having a sale! Well, they WERE having a sale at least! As I am slightly delayed time (I blame the time difference, even though I'm 6 hours AHEAD here!), I have decided to extend MY personal sale for an extra day! Thus, all my products are now 20% off until midnight (July 26th, 2012)! When in Rome, right?! Tomorrow we depart for Venice and Sunday we are off to Greece! Check out my store: for some great products! Ciao for now, Ms. Nicole xo

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