Classroom Reveal!

Hello Everyone! 

I am finally, officially, back at work and I'm soooo excited!
I met the kiddies on Friday and they are absolutely A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! I didn't expect anything less!
 I love the students at our school. They are awesome!

I am super excited because I am teaching a 3/4 split and a grade 2. I have a wonderful student teacher, who helped me A LOT, and cannot wait to get started on all the learning and fun! My team is also really pumped and we are working together to plan and stay on track. It's going to be a GREAT year!

As I mentioned in a previous post, I have the privilege of teaching in TWO classrooms this year. I was able to set up an empty "storage room" into a classroom for my second graders. 

Here are some pictures of my homeroom class. I was going for and enchanted forest look! I may still add a few finishing touches, like a stone wall and some forest creatures, but the bulk of it is done and I couldn't be happier with the end result. The kiddies were happy too! I looped with some of my students from last year and when we entered the classroom on Friday, one of my "loopers" exclaimed: "Wow! This place looks even better than last year!" 

Let me give you the grand tour...
The following are some larger shots of the whole room.

My classroom attendant made a beautiful papier mache reading cave for our class last year. In fact, some students helped her and signed their names! On the first day of school, one of those students (who is no longer in my class) asked me if the new students liked the reading cave. It was so sweet to see that making others happy put a smile on his face. 

My classroom rules are straight forward and simple. No need to have 100! Raise your hand, Stay seated, Respect, Smile & do your best...

Our behavior wall! I will be writing another post shortly about our behavior plan and all the wonderful things we do to promote positive reinforcement in our classroom.

Schedules and Math walls...

My Vintage Word Wall. I love it!

Mr. Le Branch!

I am a label and basket lover!

Our main bulletin board. I always save this one to display student work. This one is ready for my Students in Disguise Craftivity!

My student name plates and locker tags. 

I am happy, happy, happy! Most importantly, the kiddies are happy!

Here is a little sneak peek at my other room. It's circus themed. We did the best we could with what we had! Take not that there are winter boots and snow suits hidden all around the room. As I mentioned, it's a storage room too!

I love the colors and the IKEA circus tent! Once a agin, I've left the big red bulletin board for student work. This week we will be working on my Back to School Interactive Read Aloud and my "Back" to School Craftivity. The abstract art was already in place. It's a collaborative project that the whole school created last year with a visiting artist! 

 Until next time...


  1. I love it. Your kids are so lucky to have such a fabulous room. I really love the tissue paper border and the reading area

  2. Your room is so inviting and child centered :)


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