Crazy Eggs!

Happy Monday Evening (we survived another Monday!),
Let me preface this post with an awesome picture that a colleague shared online today...

If you are a Game of Thrones fan, you understand this! If you are not, WATCH IT! It's awesome!
Oh, and the grammar on this one does drive me crazy, but I needed to post this picture!

And now back to the nitty gritty! Although it was Monday, we still had us some fun! We have been having a blast working on our Crazy Eggs Easter Unit. 

First, we read the read aloud and completed a reading response. My little second graders are soooooo good at this, it's incredible. I tried to introduce it at the beginning of the year and they just weren't ready. But now they are superstars! They point out structures and features in all texts and are constantly making connections! I L-O-V-E it! 

Grab this Read Aloud HERE!

We read the story (it has a great meaning) and then completed the shared reading and a reading response. This time, I had my strong readers complete a reading response, and those who struggle a little more, complete the shared reading. I cannot stress enough about how shared reading helps my struggling readers build confidence and fluency. 

After we read the story and did some comprehension activities, we wrote our own stories and created a Crazy Egg Craft! Here are some of our finished products! They are too cute! 


Grab this Craftivity HERE!

This was SO MUCH FUN!!!!!
I can't wait to play I HAVE, WHO HAS? 

Here is another fun Craftivity we tried last year. 

They turned out GREAT and we had loads of fun! 
I especially love the Draw a Bunny Poem! They always turn out so cute!

You can check out this Craftivity right over HERE!

If you already own one or more of these packs, please be sure to download them again, as I have just recently updated them all! 

Happy Eater and Until next time...

1 comment

  1. These look great and would be a wonderful addition to anyone's teaching day! Smiles and stop by anytime!


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