My Dream Cupcake

Well Fellow Bloggers...

We were finally able to begin our Candy Land unit today and... Oh! What a way to launch it! Seeing as though cupcakes are my absolute favorite (as well as probably almost everyone else out there!) I decided to start off with a sweet and colorful activity called "My Dream Cupcake." 
And... Oh, what dreams these little kiddos have! 

So, once again, I had a hard time finding an appropriate storybook to go with this theme and so created yet another one of my little SmartBoard storybooks! I called it "My Dream Cupcake" and filled it with beautiful graphics from Scrappindoodles and some new vocabulary words too!

Here's a little sneak peak!

Guess what! Just like all my other little stories, this one's a freebie over at my teacher store!
You can download it HERE!

To go along with this sugary little story, I made a writing stationary for the kiddies to share their dream cupcake. They went all out and came up with some delicious as well as interesting recipes!

You can download a free copy of this stationary HERE!

And to help with your little kiddies writing, how about you download my freebie "Candy Words" list HERE!

As you all know (you will now anyway!), I absolutely love to incorporate art into almost all of the kiddies writing activities. They enjoy it too and are very creative. Their arts and craft skills have come such a long way from the very beginning of the year. It is incredible what they can produce!

I photocopied the following cupcake templates, several times, on white card stock paper and cut them out. I placed one of each in every group of four students and let them trace the template onto construction paper (the color of their choice). This helped me avoid making too many copied of, for example, red cupcake tops, and not enough of, let's say, purple tops. I wanted them to choose the colors themselves. This was the best approach for me. You can copy the templates to any color you like and simply have the students cut them out. 

You can download a free copy of the cupcake templates HERE!

Now that I've got your mouthes watering, it's time for you to see what 
my amazing kiddies came up with!

If you're interested in this theme and would like some more ideas, keep stopping by and don't forget to follow! While your over at my teacher store, don't forget to check out my "Sweet for Contractions" literacy center unit. It compliments this activity along with many others, very well!

Enjoy the sweet treats and until next time...
Ms. Nicole xo


  1. So cute!!! I wish I was a student in your class ;)

    Grow Up Learning

  2. Hey, I stumbled upon your site browsing the web, the postname seemed something really familiar.. wait, yes! There is a company making Cupcakes in CT! You can check out their site here ! And I don't think I have to mentionthat you can get the best cupcakes there :))

  3. Love this! It's making me so hungry!

    I'm a new follower! =)

    Second Grade Silliness 


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