Candy Land & Healthy Food Word Wall & Word Folder Freebie

Well Hello All,
                         Aren't Monday's just peachy?! Especially the first Monday back from Holiday Vacation! It's always great to be back in the classroom, however, Monday is simply not my favorite day of the week! For those of you who have been following me the last few weeks, I have been ranting and raving about my Candy Land/Healthy Food unit that I will be taking on with the kiddies in the next few weeks (leading up to VDay, my favorite!). So as promised, I  have created a word wall and word folder package freebie for one and all! 

The word wall package includes 50 words associated with treats and food. Such words as: various types of cuisines, different places that serve and make food etc... You will also find all the fixings for desserts, such as words like: sprinkles, chocolate, ice cream, etc... As well as, different types of foods, namely: meat, poultry, vegetables, fruit, fish, etc...

You can download this freebie word wall package HERE!

The word folder package includes 8 different Candy Land and Healthy Food word banks. You must cut out the clipart and title and glue to the cover page of a file folder and then cut out the associated word bank and glue to the inside of the same file folder. The themes included in this package are: At the Bakery, At the Grocery Store, At the Restaurant, Fruits, Vegetables, Food, Drinks, and Kitchen Utensils. 

You can download this freebie word folder package HERE!

Enjoy this freebie and stay tuned for more ideas and resources!
Until next time...

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