Hello Friends,
Today I'm going to share some of the activities we'll be completing this month!
1. St. Patrick's Day
This is one of my favorite St. Patrick's Day activities:
Sneaky Poems!
First, I separate all the categories and placed them into some fun St. Patty's Day cups.
(Name, Clothing, Sneaky Actions, Etc...)
Then, we made a class Sneaky Poem (I always like to model).
Once it was time to begin, I asked a few students to come up at a time and create their Sneaky Poem. They had a blast! They were rolling on the floor laughing and it was just soooooo much fun!
I gave the other students the craft templates so that they'd have something fun to do while they waited for their turn. This made managing the activity a lot easier as I needed to be with the students who were "writing" their poems.
Check out this pack right over HERE!
Be sure to read my post below about my Stuck Read Aloud and Stuck Craftitivy!
Also loads of fun!
You might also want to check out my Stuck Read Aloud and Craftivity!
There's lots to do including a read aloud, a writing activity, a craft, AND a listening activity!
I love finding new and fun ways to practice and assess comprehension, and my Draw a Leprechaun poem was just the thing!
Here are some more pics from last year!
First, we read a story on the Smartboard, about Lucky the Leprechaun. I also printed the story and placed it in a folder, for our classroom library. The kiddies love referring back to it.
Then, the students became illustrators! I gave them a black and white print version of the story and we reread it as a class. We highlighted some new words and vocabulary too.
Click on the picture below to check out this package!
After familiarizing ourselves with the story, we moved on and created our own!
I usually model writing with them, but decided to complete an anchor chart this time. Of course, there was a craft! It's always a popular activity!
Finally, on Friday, we took it a little easy. After all, we had worked hard all week! I read my Draw a Leprechaun poem and the kiddies let out their inner artists!
Click on the picture below to check out this package!
Here is a photo of last year's bulletin board! I absolutely love it!
I also made a St. Patrick's Day Non-Fiction Unit last year! It was a great hit! You can check it out HERE!
2. Spring
Every year, my students love to read Rain, Rain Go Away and make animal umbrellas!
Here's a little throwback with some new material too!!!
A glimpse at last year's door!
We read about Tommy and his love for playing outside.
We always have a grammar focus in our lessons. Today, I wanted to make sure they stuck to one verb tense in their writing!
Then we wrote our own rainy day stories!
I love the way they turned out! The kiddies have come SUCH a long way and Writer's Workshop is our favorite block!
After we wrote our stories, we made some rainy day crafts! They are adorbs! I can't!!!
Here is our Spring Bulletin Board!
The kiddies were so interested in RAIN that we read some more about how it all is formed in my Spring Non-Ficiton Mini-Book. They loooooove reading these non-fiction books and they get to bring them home and share their new knowledge with their families!
I also test their new knowledge with the accompanying comprehension questions!
WIN/WIN Really!
Click on the pictures below to check out these two packs!
3. Superheros
Every March I prepare my students for the end of year exams with a practice exam. The practice exam is Superhero themed so I decided to reward my students with some fun activities AFTER the exam! Here is what we did last year!
We read about them, we wrote about them, we even dressed up as them!
It all started with this fun read aloud!
The kiddies loved the idea of becoming superheroes
and wrote a reading response and a narrative about it.
We also reread the read aloud several times to practice fluency and expression and coloured the pictures! The students got to keep their own little superhero book!
We also had fun learning about superheroes.
My early finishers had some fun colouring and drawing superheroes too. I love these activities because they include reading and comprehension but are so fun to do!
At the end of it all, we created some SUPER Superheroes!
The end result was SUPER amazing!
Coincidently, the week we were working on this unit I just so happened to meet Peter Parker himself at my niece's birthday party! Who would have thought!
Check out my Superhero Unit HERE!
4. Cowboys
Our Cowboy Theme is so much fun! It can be implemented at any time of the year. This year, I've decided to implement it in March!
Last year we started off with this unit!
We had a blast reading about Tyler and Jenna and all of their responsibilities on the ranch!
After we read the color story the students practiced their fluency and illustrated their very own version of the story during shared reading.

After that, it was time to write their own Cowboy and Cowgirl tales!
They used the word wall and penned some great stories!
We made some hats and boots to display with the stories.
I mean these hats are super stylish and practical for any wannabe cowboy and/or cowgirl!
And these boots... Well, these boots were made for walking!
We ended this unit with some cowboy themed literacy centers.
Cowboy Information Cards
Word Detective
Wanted Activity
Word Search
We had SOOOOOOO much fun pretending to be cowboys and cowgirls for a few weeks.
Check out my cowboy pack HERE!
Here is a little preview of what is included in this pack
We also had fun with these Cowboy Profiles!
We had fun reading about 2 cowboys and 2 cowgirls. Then the kiddies decided to become cowboys and cowgirls themselves and filled out some profiles of their own
and created crafts of themselves in Wild, Wild, West attire!
Are these not seriously the cutest cowboys and cowgirls you've ever seen!?!?!
They did such a good job!
After reading and writing about our friends from the Wild, Wild, West, we completed some fun activities that required the help of the profiles.
Here's a little twist on reading comprehension.
This was such a fun addition to our cowboy theme. We really had a blast with this Craftivity.
You can check it out HERE!
Here is a little preview of what this pack includes!
Check out some of my other cowboy packs HERE!
Have a great month!
Untile next time...
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