Camping at School

Hello All, 
I am totally loving the Spring weather that has finally made its way to Montreal! I'm also a little nervous and excited about tonight's game! Go HABS Go!!!!!!

 I know many of you are almost on Summer Vacation and thought I'd share a really fun "field trip" that we took last year. It was a great way to end the year and the kiddies had a BLAST! The teachers had a blast too, although we did need quite a few days to recover! 

All this because, we decided to camp at school, OVERNIGHT! 

It all began with a fun camping unit. We made campers and learned about all of the things that you need, to have a good experience in the great outdoors. 

We had so much fun and the students were really excited to hear about our overnight camping trip! 

They came in around 6pm and we served them dinner. Then, we separated the group in four and had stations: scavenger hunt, 5 minute brownies in a mug, a camper craft, and outside games. 

Finally, we all convened in the gym for some camp songs and a "fire." It was great! The students who did not want to sleep over got to leave and our little campers went outside with their flashlights (the highlight of the evening for most). The students had their sleeping bags set up in the gym and watched Harry and the Hendersons.  Of course, let's not forget the S'MORES! 
Oh, and the fact that they didn't do very much sleeping!

It was an absolute blast and we could not have done it without some AMAZING volunteers! 

 Since we had found Bigfoot prints during our scavenger hunt, we decided to study him a little further. The week following our campout was dedicated to the one and only and we had so much fun!

This had to have been one of my favorite units! We really, truly, had the BEST time! 
All of my camping packs have been updated!

Check them out!

They are also available as a bundle!

Until next time...

1 comment

  1. What a cute idea, this looks like a lot of fun!!!



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