Polar Express Day

                                                                            Hi Friends,
Today in Second Grade we are going to board the Polar Express and go to the North Pole!

This is my FAVORITE day of the year! 

It requires a little bit of prep the evening before and keeping the kiddies out of the classroom for part of the day! 

We start off by coming to school in our PJs and finding tickets to board the train in our lockers! I ask the students to put their pencil cases in their locker the previous day so that we don't have to enter the classroom and are ready to board the train and make our way to the North Pole!

The students line up and trade in their tickets for a "Stations Pass" that they will stamp when they complete each stop of the train.

You can put stickers or hole punch the circles. I had some shape hole punchers i na drawer and decided to use those! I played the role of conductor and asked for parent volunteers to run the stations. I placed each station in different rooms around the school (library, computer lab, cafeteria, empty classrooms) and picked up and dropped off students at each station. It was so much fun!

Students used a folder to keep all of their activities safe during the ride!

Here are some of the stations we completed!


The final station is the NORTH POLE! I turn my classroom into a winter wonderland and we enter the classroom, eat treats, and watch the Polar Express!

A few white tablecloths and some dollar store snowflakes were all I needed for this little room makeover. I threw in some strings of white lights too and it was PERFECT! This year I'm thinking of adding one of those machines that projects snowflakes on the walls! 

Last year, the kiddies were SOOOOOOO excited! It was the best day ever!

In the days leading up to Polar Express Day we write about "How to get to the North Pole!" The students creativity and ideas are always so much fun to read.




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Until next time...

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