Alphabet Strips

Hey Everyone, 
Thought I'd pop in with a quick little trick and freebie! Hope all is good with you! Brrrrrrrrr! It's getting cold here in Canada! I DO love Fall, but today I'm kinda wondering where the Summer has gone :(

WEll... Here we go...This morning I woke up at 4am in distress! I realized we were beginning my Magic Crayon Unit centers and thought about how difficult it would be for some of my kiddies to complete the ABC Order centers. The theme is based on colors and with words like blue, black, and brown, I knew I'd have some confused little kiddos. ABC order can be such a difficult task! 

There I was, thinking about centers and talking to myself... "Oh, no, some of them won't be able to do it!" "I can't sit with that group, I need to circulate!" "It's our first time doing literacy centers, they're all going to need me!" etc... etc... Am I the only one who wakes up with such silly preoccupations!?!?! Or is this a teacher thing? Perhaps a woman thing? Blogger thing? Who knows!!!! 

I thought up an easy little trick for the kiddies to use and of course needed to get up early to "create" it. I use the term "create" loosely as this really wasn't much of a task! Although, it did require laminating at 5am! Another quirky task I'm sure some can share with me!

I went over ABC order with the kiddies on the white board and showed them how they could cross out each letter with a dry erase marker. Those who really struggle found it easier to go through each letter and look for words in their list. Crossing out each letter as they used them helped them keep track of the alphabet and where they were in their list! 

Basically, it worked like a charm!

I printed the strips on colored card stock and laminated for both durability and "writeability!" If you look carefully, you can see how my student crossed out each letter with a dry erase marker. 

You can grab a free copy of the strips right over HERE!

Until next time...

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