Let's Honor & Remember

Good Morning Friends, 
This week in Second Grade, we are going to be honoring and remembering our veterans

This is an important unit for me because my grandfather was a veteran and I feel it is essential to teach students about the brave men and women who have fought for our safety and freedom. 

I also find that students are very interested in learning about veterans and the various jobs and roles they hold. 

We learn all about this in my Veterans/Remembrance Day read aloud. We also learn all kinds of new vocabulary. Words that describe veterans. 

These words are also included in our black and white version of the read aloud, as well as the spelling helpers. 


After reading the read aloud, highlighting vocabulary words, and reviewing the spelling helpers, students complete a veteran map. They use adjectives to describe veterans and then write stories about them.

They make a craft to go along with their stories.

Some students then share their stories at our Remembrance/Veterans Day assembly. 

You can check out this pack right HERE!

Until next time...

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