The Master Chefs of Second Grade!

Yes! It is true! 
My little bakers have become chefs!
We have turned this Candy Land theme right around and are now learning about healthy eating 
(this ties in well with our physical education teacher's health unit)!

I found a book entitled "What it's like to be a Chef" in my school library and read it to the kiddies (my New Year's Resolution was to try to spend less money on my classroom, as I can overdue it at times. Hence, the many visits to the library, as opposed to the amazon website!). 

We wrote a class story about a recipe that involved some secret ingredients. The little sweethearts said love and kindness would be the most important ingredients! I love these kiddos! 

All I have to say is, you better make a trip to your local arts and craft store and get yourself some colored paper bags, because you are going to want to try this lesson with your students! 

Here are the freebie templates and stationary for this activity.

Click on the pictures to get the free templates!
Click HERE to get the free stationary!

And now... For my master chefs masterpieces!

Priceless right?!?! They make me smile! Too cute!

I will be displaying these amazing pieces of art on the bulletin board in the front entrance of our school! I can't wait to share the picture of THAT!!!!

Got a great salad writing/art activity coming up soon! Might want to stock up on some green tissue papers and paper plates for this one!  Can't wait to share! 
Until next time... 
Ms. Nicole xo

P.S. I'm noticing some new followers! Keep em' coming!!! xo


  1. Hi Nicole,
    I just found your blog..those are so cute. I am your newest follower and can't wait to look around some more. Pop on by my blog when you get a chance.
    Traditions Laughter and Happily Ever After

    1. Thanks so much! I did drop by your blog and am a new follower too! I'm quite the arts and crafts lover, so your blog is just the type of place I love!



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