New Look!

Well... If you have ever wondered what a teacher, who is obsessed with blogging, might do if she is stuck sick in bed for 3 whole days, look no further! This little teacher decided to revamp her blog!

No, no, it's not a new blog alert! It has just been under a redecorating assignment! 

Yes, I have been THIS bored! My laptop and DvD player have been my sole source of entertainment these past few days! I HATE being SICK!!!

Well, let me know what you think of the makeover! It's more me! All the purple and polka dots! Hehe!

Will be blogging another cute Candy Land Freebie soon...
See you then!

Ms. Nicole  xo


  1. Sorry to hear you're feeling bad - but your blog sure does look great!

    What program do you use to create the banner across the top & the stars on the side? I am relatively new to blogging and learning as I go. But the banner thing has been tricky for me to figure out!

    Hope you are back in school soon!


    1. Hi Tracy,
      Thanks! I have been learning as I go along too! Every week, I discover something new! As for the banner, it's simply a picture. I created it in word using star shapes and inserted text boxes with the letters. Then I added some popcorn clipart and voila! I used a program called "grab" (I'm a mac user, not sure what it would be on a pc) and took a photo of it. I inserted the picture in the Header portion of the page elements page (click on design) and clicked use image instead of title! Hope this helps and thanks for stopping by! Come back again soon!


  2. Thanks for the info, Nicole. I use a PC at school but we are Mac users at home. The steps you gave make total sense and I am now PUMPED and ready to make some design changes! Now if I could only add a few more hours to my day to make those changes. . .



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